I created a beer packaging branding project revolving around my favorite franchise: Gundam, a Japanese science fiction media franchise/media mix created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise that features giant robots (mecha) with the name "Gundam". I created three flavors based on the three existing Gundam robots along with other assets. 
This project has won the Student Gold Addy award in 2020 shown here!
 The Gundam Astaroth was built with one concept in mind: versatility. Equipped with a variety of weaponry from a shotgun to a sledge hammer with a sword inside as well as the ability to fly, the Astaroth is ready for just about any battle situation. This vienna lager matches this Gundam through its vibrant red glow that prepares you for just about anything.
The Gundam Astaroth was built with one concept in mind: versatility. Equipped with a variety of weaponry from a shotgun to a sledge hammer with a sword inside as well as the ability to fly, the Astaroth is ready for just about any battle situation. This vienna lager matches this Gundam through its vibrant red glow that prepares you for just about anything.
While perceived as slow and clunky due to its stout appearance, the Gundam Gusion is not to be underestimated. Equipped with heavy armor and fire power, this Gundam can withstand Massive damage and dish out the same onto enemy units. This stout goes great  for the Gusion with its dry roasted aroma of barley so you can take on the world that underestimates you for what you are.
While perceived as slow and clunky due to its stout appearance, the Gundam Gusion is not to be underestimated. Equipped with heavy armor and fire power, this Gundam can withstand Massive damage and dish out the same onto enemy units. This stout goes great for the Gusion with its dry roasted aroma of barley so you can take on the world that underestimates you for what you are.
As its namesake comes from the Norse god of revenge, Gundam Vidar was rebuilt from the wreckage of its previous incarnation to avenge itself  against the one who defeated it. This steamed beer matches the emboidiment of the Vidar through its cold red colors that emulate the cold calculated rage that fuels this Gundam.
As its namesake comes from the Norse god of revenge, Gundam Vidar was rebuilt from the wreckage of its previous incarnation to avenge itself against the one who defeated it. This steamed beer matches the emboidiment of the Vidar through its cold red colors that emulate the cold calculated rage that fuels this Gundam.
Here is a logo intro I have made for Mecha Biru, featuring the company mascot, Gurren Lager. When I designed this logo, I combined the two core aspects of this company: Mecha and beer. The mecha aspect being the robot itself and its mechanically drawn art style along with metallic color tones and the beer aspect being the primary color, orange, along with the beer containers shown through out. The music represents the the tone, being hip, futuristic, and fun which embody my company.
Here below are the graphical elements I used to animate the logo intro.

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